Get ready to discover some fun and fascinating facts about farming that will have your little ones excited for their next farm visit! Farms play an essential role in our society, providing us with delicious food and helping to maintain the beautiful countryside. Here at Little Farmers, we know first-hand how important it is to teach children about rural life and encourage them to explore it.
In this blog, we’ll share some of the top farming facts for kids that will make them laugh, think, and appreciate the hard work that farmers do. From silly facts about animals to more serious stats about food production, we’ve got it all covered. So, grab your wellies and let’s jump right in!
Goats have rectangular pupils
Yes, you read that right. Goats have rectangular pupils, which help them see in all directions without having to move their heads. This is because goats are prey animals and need to be able to see potential predators approaching from any angle. So next time you visit Little Farmers and see one of our goats, take a closer look at their eyes! They’re also super friendly and love to say ‘hello’.

Farmland covers over 70% of the UK
That’s right, almost three-quarters of the UK is farmland! This showcases why farming is a significant part of our economy and our way of life. We need farmers to grow all kinds of yummy food like fruits, veggies, and grains, so we can stay healthy and happy – plus, they play an important role as stewards and protectors of our countryside.
Pigs are really smart
They can learn their own names, understand basic commands and even do things as impressive as deciphering enigmas through a mirror that reflects an image. Pig experiments have reached a very high level of complexity, positioned by experts on an equal levelled scale to human brain development from a 3-year-old. And guess what? You can meet some of these clever critters at Little Farmers too! They love to play and snuffle around in the mud, but they are actually very clean animals – the mud helps to keep bugs away and protects them from the sun.
Nature’s positive impact on children
Research has shown that spending time in nature and interacting with animals can have a positive impact on both a child’s wellbeing and learning. It can help reduce stress, improve mood and teach them new things about the world they might not learn in a classroom. Check out our blog about the benefits of outdoor learning for more information about the value of time spent in nature with your kids.

Cows have best pals (just like you)
Cows are social animals and they have best friends! They even get stressed when they’re separated from their pals, so it’s important that the herd is kept together. Our in the field of Craigies Farm, you can be near these gentle giants and talk to one of our staff to learn all about how they help make the milk we drink and the cheese we eat.
Most of the food we eat isn’t from the UK
Did you know that only about 60% of the food that people in the UK eat is grown in the UK? That means we rely on other countries to supply the rest of our food which is why supporting local farmers and buying locally grown produce wherever possible. That way, we can help reduce the carbon footprint of transporting food from far away and help support the local economy. You can purchase and even pick some of your own fresh fruit and veggies like strawberries and raspberries at Craigies!
We Scots have our own breed of cows
You probably already know this one, but Highland cattle, also known in traditional Scots as the ‘Hielan coo’, is Scotland’s native breed that has been around for centuries. Just like Craigies Highland cows Isla & Skye, these beautiful beasts are known for their shaggy coat, long horns, and friendly nature. Come meet Isla & Skye on your next trip to the farm, your little ones are sure to be moo-ved by their cuteness.

Farming is the oldest industry in the world
People have been farming for over 10,000 years, and it has played a vital role in shaping our societies and communities. Did you know that some of the first crops grown by humans were wheat, barley, peas, and lentils? These crops were cultivated around 8000 BC in the Fertile Crescent, an area that includes parts of modern-day Iraq, Syria, and Turkey. Nowadays farmers around the world grow a wide range of crops that feed billions of people!
Chickens can remember many faces
Did you know that chickens can remember up to 100 different faces, even after not seeing them for several weeks? That’s pretty impressive for a bird! At Craigies Little Farmers, you can visit the chicken coop and see these clever creatures for yourself. Plus, you might even get to collect some eggs from our hens to take home!
Farming isn’t easy
Farming is tough work and farmers work really hard to grow the food we need to survive. That’s why it’s important to appreciate all the hard work that farmers do and support them whenever we can. So next time you enjoy a delicious apple or a yummy slice of cheese, remember to say a big “thank you” to all the farmers who made it possible for your food to go from farm to plate!

We hope you enjoyed learning these fun and informative facts about farming! Don’t forget to come visit us at Craigies Farm Little Farmers to meet some of these amazing animals and learn even more about the importance of farming.
Fancy a fun-filled day out on the farm? We also have family farm tours coming up in the first weekend of June! Join us at Craigies for a 45-minute farm tour guided by Farmer Tom followed by lunch. Giving you a deeper insight to working farms and providing you the opportunity to ask questions! Book Now – We’ll see you soon!