New Year’s Resolutions for your Little Farmers!

Happy New Year to all our Little Farmers! As adults, most of us make some sort of New Year’s Resolution – setting goals and intentions for the year ahead, but what about children?  Here are 5 fun and achievable resolutions that all the family can get behind.

Tech Time Balance

Limiting screen time encourages physical activity and outdoor play, contributing to overall wellbeing.  Little Farmers is the perfect place to do both!

Try New Foods

Involving kids in choosing and trying new foods provides an opportunity for nutritional education, helping them make informed choices.  Our Craigie’s blog has lots of recipes for you to try, you can even get the kids involved in choosing their own ingredients in our farm shop.

Learn Something New

Each week we post a Fun Fact Friday on our Instagram page, teaching  you lots of fun things about our animal friends.  Did you know that a Clydesdale horse can measure as high as 6 feet tall?  Or that pigs don’t sweat?  You’ll also learn lots of cool things when you visit our animal barn.  Follow us on Instagram and share any fun animal facts of your own!

Challenge Yourself

Engaging in challenging and risky play helps kids to develop crucial life skills like problem solving, resilience and risk assessment. Timberplay Scotland set out to design Little Farmers inspiring play area by incorporating elements of ‘risk’ that can help children to develop their skills to navigate the real world from a young age.

Mark Grimshaw from Timberplay Scotland says: 

“At Timberplay Scotland, all our play equipment is designed with the child and the child’s changing needs firmly in mind. We include multiple levels of challenge so that children can interact with the equipment in a manner that matches their own personal development.   

Cultivate a love of reading

Reading is essential for children, whether that’s the stories you tell them or the books they are reading themselves.  Cultivating a love of reading enhances vocabulary, imagination and cognitive abilities.  If you’re looking for something new to read, our Little Farmers toy shop has a variety of books available.

If you have made any family resolutions, please let us know in the comments.  Here’s to a year of growth, learning and endless possibilities.

